View Full Version : Refresh Rate Issues

10-09-2003, 02:29 AM
I am running the 9-24-03 build of Knoppix v3.3 off of the CD, and I'm having trouble changing the refresh rate. I did a search and tried the solutions listed in previous threads, but none of them work for me. The video card I'm using is a Radeon 9800 and the monitor is an Acer 99sl.

None of the cheat codes seem to do anything. Specifying xvrefresh=85 or vsync=85 has no effect.

Also, I tried using xmodule=ati, xmodule=radeon, and xmodule=fbdev. None of those options work correctly and the thing gives an error and defaults back to vesa. Is there a problem with the 9800 and Knoppix?

Using fb1280x1024 to specify the resolution doesn't work either, but screen=1280x1024 does. I also tried adding noddc which stops the auto monitor detection but doesn't help with the refresh rate issue.

In addition to the cheatcodes, I have tried running kxconfig as root and then restarting x with init 3, then init 5. That didn't do anything either. I also tried running kxconfig and saving the config to a floppy disk and loading it back up using floppyconfig during boot, but that didn't help either.

I also tried the command dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 (as recommended in a previous thread), but that didn't fix it either.

I'm kind of stuck at this point because I can't find any more info on it and running at 60 Hz is just a horrible pain to the eyes.

10-11-2003, 05:03 AM

10-11-2003, 11:40 PM
have you entered the monitor settings manual and then choose 100 hz?

settings / control center / pheriperales / display / monitor

10-12-2003, 06:08 AM
Yes I have. I believe this does the same thing as running kxconfig. Either way it doesn't do anything.

10-12-2003, 07:27 AM
Must be a knoppix related problem them. I found out that knoppix doesnt save all settings you made. e. x. the desktop setting is always set back to 640x480 at 8 bit, altough the monitor displays 1024x768 correctly.