View Full Version : Mozilla startup-problems

10-09-2003, 08:33 AM

In my remastering attempt, I would like uncle moz. to start up together with kde in fullscreen without the sidebar displaying a webpage (obviuosly :)).

Now it seems that I have muddled up some things. Here's what I did:

start knoppix in rl2, cp /etc/X11/XF86* /knxsource/KNOPPIX/etc/X11/
chroot to knxsource/KNOPPIX
mount proc
su to knoppix

Then I made those changes in mozilla (damn - couldn't they use some plain text configs like everybody else does...?), exited X, removed the XF86-Configs, umounted proc and exited from the chroot-env. Before that I cp'ed the /home/knoppix/.mozilla directory to /usr/share/profiles/knoppix/

After mkisofs'ing and burning strange things seem to happen though. For one, at startup moz. asks me to use the root-profile (grrr. I made the above mentioned changes also when I was root in chroot)

For another mozilla seems to "partly" remember my settings. Startup page and Sidebar work well, bookmarks and fullscreen seem to get forgotten.

And - most annoying: I provide rtf's on my page. Default application is abiword - however, when I open them with this the whole thing crashes(!) and mozilla doesn't remember the settings (I tried to connect the text/rtf-mimetype to oowriter. Works in chroot, but is forgotten after making the cd :( )

As I am relatively new to remastering I would greatly appreciate any help on this matter. Thanks in advance,
