View Full Version : I like knoppix... so...

10-11-2003, 06:08 AM
So.... I like how knoppix looks and feels in a way. Is there a way I can install it? Or do I have to start from scratch? IS there a way that I can make Knoppix a partitioned OS ?

10-11-2003, 02:15 PM
Read this WHOLE set of instructions before starting - You need some info from your Windows box, if you have one.

Okay, make sure you have the extra drive space requred (approx. 2.2Gb is about right for a worthwhile install, I'd really recommend 3Gb) AND that you can spare it.

If you have a blank HD or a second installed HD you don't mind formatting, skip this next paragraph...

If you're wanting to install Knoppix on the same HD as a Windows partition, why not just delete Windows??? Just kidding, I know you probably have a whole wack load of stuff and games etc.. that you will have to keep Windows for. Seriously, you can defrag the Windows drive, make sure it defrags copletely bu running it once more (should run VERY smoothly the second time through) then shutdown your windows machine, and reboot into Knoppix.

Now, there is a fantastic HD install script included in with Knoppix. You can run it by opening a shell (if you haven't done this yet, it's the little icon in the kicker (system tray in M$ speak) that looks like a computer monitor with a clam shell in front of it. Now, press ctrl-alt-F3 which will bring you to another instance of Linux running on your PC, and type in:
(what's after the $ or #, don't include the symbol - They just represent whether you are a regular user ($) or root (#))

$ su
# passwd
(follow the instructions and set the root passwd)

Okay, now you can return to X windows by ctrl-alt-F5 (maybe that's F6, you'll figure that out - you want to return to the instance running the window program).

So, now make sure you're in the shell you opened, type

$ su
(enter your root password you just set)
# cd /usr/local/bin
# ./knx-hdinstall

(follow the onscreen instructions - when it comes to the partition making, you can reduce the size of the windows partition, but make SURE you leave it larger than the space it took up. In other words, if checking the HD properties in Windoze showed 1.4GB on drive, 4 GB free or whatever, DO NOT make the partition any small than that. To be safe I always give it plenty of extra room.... plus if you still want to use your Windoze partition, you will need to have enough extra room.

Now you will have free space in the listing. If you're starting with blank HD or a HD you want to wipe to install Knoppix, you may need to delete the partition (s) shown. Just make sure you are not looking at your main M$ drive if you have more than one HD. Hopefully you selected the right one from the list when the HDinstall routine prompted you. In short, at this point you should have some free space available. Create a new partition from the free space, make it approx. 150 or 250 Mbs. Change the type to Linux Swap (pretty sure that's type 82 in the list). Now, use the rest of the free space for another partition, and make this one a regular Linux partition (that's the default, you won't have to change it). Make the windozes partition bootable (won't matter to Linux, may matter to M$) and then write the information to the HD, and quit.

Now you're back to following on screen instructions. Select the small (150 or 250 Mb) HD for the swap partition, and the larger Linux ext2 partition for your Install HD. When selecting the type, I prefer ext3 or Reiser FS... you'll have to choose one randomly or do a little reading to find out what they are all about. That done, sit back and watch the installation run. CREATE A BOOT DISK.

When you are asked if you want Lilo in the MBR, say yes.... this will make it possible to dual-boot with your windows machine. Also, sometimes (very rarely now, but you still read of the old problems because things never leave the internet) the lilo install can screw up the MBR. If this happens, make sure you have a Windoze boot disk. Boot from the floppy and get to a a:\> prompt. Type

a:\> fdisk /mbr

That will restore your MBR so that windows can boot, but linux won't be able to. Don't worry, just use the Knoppix boot disk to get into knoppix and go look for help on setting up lilo. Hey, I can't walk you through everything right away...

Good luck!
