View Full Version : Downloading & Running new linux software

10-12-2003, 05:30 AM
Hi. I was just wondering if it would be possible to use Windows to download a linux application and save it to a NTFS hdd. Then boot up to Knoppix and run the linux software from the hdd.

I've read through the FAQs and I'm aware that Knoppix can't write to NTFS, but since it can read I'm assuming this is possible. I was just thinking of this (as I am impatiantly downloading knoppx) since ive seen a lot of free linux apps out there that I'd like to try out and they might not be on the Knoppix CD.

I'm sorry, but I'm a n00b to...everything. :roll:

10-12-2003, 06:44 AM
Hi. I was just wondering if it would be possible to use Windows to download a linux application and save it to a NTFS hdd, then boot up to Knoppix and run the linux software from the hdd. I've read through the FAQs and I'm aware that Knoppix can't write to NTFS, but since it can read I'm assuming this is possible
Most Linux apps are compressed in some way and must be extracted to be installed. Even if you downloaded an app to the NTFS drive via Windows, you would have nowhere to extract it to.

I found, in my case, that adding a cheap hard drive formatted with a Linux and a vFAT partition worked best--I installed Knoppix to the new drive and both Windows and Linux see and share the vFAT partition.

Knoppix (free) plus new HD (cheap) = more storage for Windows and a dual boot system--for cheaper than most operating systems alone.

If you don't want the Windows boot record messed with, you can skip installing LiLo to the Master Boot Record and use GAGboot from floppy: http://gag.sourceforge.net/
-- Michael Rudas
Metro Detroit Linux Users' Group: http://www.MDLUG.org
PengiuCon 2.0, April 2004: http://www.PenguiCon.org