View Full Version : Win XP Bootsector corrupt - How to fix this with Knoppix ?

10-14-2003, 07:11 AM
yesterday my Bootsector and/or NTFS Filesystem got corrupt under Win XP. I am not able to boot anymore from my S-ATA harddisk. After booting, some seconds later Windows resets my PC and boots again and again and again.

When I tried to reinstall Win XP or using the repair function I always got a blue screen with an ntfs.sys error.

In some newsgroups I read that the filesystem might be corrupt and maybe the bootsector is not working anymore and this can be fixed with Knoppix using the ntfsfix command. Normally there is no chance to get access to the disk via Win XP in this case. I tried to get access to my harddisk via Knoppix 3.3 I have success. I am able to see the 2 partitions and all files on it.
I go to the console and typed in

ntfsfix /dev/hda1/

but everytime I received an error, that this command FAILED and that I have not permission to this harddisk/partition or that its corrupt. I have to use chkdsk to correct this. I am a Linux/Knoppix Newbie and dont know how to use the chdsk command. I used "chkdsk /dev/hda1" but the console says that the command chkdsk is unknown. Is someone able to give the correct command for this ?

I noticed that the harddisks normally are only open for reading under Knoppix. I go to the properties and changed the status to readable/writeable for both partitions of this harddisk but also this gives me the same error with ntfsfix as shown above.

I would be very nice if someone can help...

Regards from Germany

10-14-2003, 04:12 PM
Knoppix may be capable of what you want to do, but there is another bootable CD with tools that you are looking for. It isn't a huge download and is available here: http://www.t4k.org/~ebcd/

As for acess to the drive, try opening Konsole in Knoppix and typing "su" to become root (su=super user). Then type:

mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1

If it is already mounted, you'll get an error. Otherwise it should now be mounted. You can try typing your command as root. If it doesn't work, enable read/write access:

chmod a+rw /mnt/hda1

Then type your command. I would suggest, however, that you take a look at the link above and use EMBCD.


10-14-2003, 04:51 PM
From the EBCD site

A.There is no ISO version since 0.4+, you have to run builder utility (makeebcd.exe) (or .bat file before version 0.6.0) to create .iso file. Refer to user manual for more info.

Kinda hard to run an .exe when your M$ OS leaves you hanging in the wind. ;)

Here is the man page (http://linux-ntfs.sourceforge.net/man/ntfsfix.html) for ntfsfix. I have personally never used it (for that matter I've never even used XP thankfully). A quote from the man page:

ntfsfix is a program that fixes NTFS partitions altered in any manner with the Linux NTFS driver. ntfsfix is NOT a Linux version of chkdsk. It only tries to leave the NTFS partition in a not-so-inconsistent state after the NTFS driver has written to it.

So- I'm not sure if this is what you need or not. I dunno?? Also - it looks to me that chkdisk is a DOS command so it's no suprise that it says 'command not found' or somesuch when you try it from Knoppix. Have you tried simply booting a win98 boot floppy and running fdisk mbr? Here is a post (http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3311) with some more info on how to repair ntldr. Look all the way to the bottom.

Here is a page about chkdisk (http://www.easydos.com/chkdsk.html) that could also (preusmably) be run from the same win98 floppy.

Please bear in mind that I don't use M$ so I might be way off base here. Hope you get it fixed. Doesn't M$ have something about this in their ahem *cough cough* so-called "knowledge base"?

10-16-2003, 12:58 PM
Thanks to you for your help :D

10-17-2003, 01:57 AM
--You may want to reinstall, and convert to Fat32. In my experience NTFS is more trouble than it's worth.

yesterday my Bootsector and/or NTFS Filesystem got corrupt under Win XP. I am not able to boot anymore from my S-ATA harddisk. After booting, some seconds later Windows resets my PC and boots again and again and again.

When I tried to reinstall Win XP or using the repair function I always got a blue screen with an ntfs.sys error.

In some newsgroups I read that the filesystem might be corrupt and maybe the bootsector is not working anymore and this can be fixed with Knoppix using the ntfsfix command. Normally there is no chance to get access to the disk via Win XP in this case. I tried to get access to my harddisk via Knoppix 3.3 I have success. I am able to see the 2 partitions and all files on it.
I go to the console and typed in

ntfsfix /dev/hda1/

but everytime I received an error, that this command FAILED and that I have not permission to this harddisk/partition or that its corrupt. I have to use chkdsk to correct this. I am a Linux/Knoppix Newbie and dont know how to use the chdsk command. I used "chkdsk /dev/hda1" but the console says that the command chkdsk is unknown. Is someone able to give the correct command for this ?

I noticed that the harddisks normally are only open for reading under Knoppix. I go to the properties and changed the status to readable/writeable for both partitions of this harddisk but also this gives me the same error with ntfsfix as shown above.

I would be very nice if someone can help...

Regards from Germany

10-17-2003, 05:25 AM
boot your XP cd and goto into Recovery Console
help (to view options)
fixmbr (to fix de mbr)
fixboot (to fix the bootloader)

with knoppix live-cd you may try

lilo -M /dev/hda1 (to fix mbr)

or use