View Full Version : Help on Burning Knoppix into CD

10-14-2003, 12:03 PM
Hello guys! I am new to this forum. I downloaded Knoppix and intend to burn it into 700 MB Blank CD, i follow the instructions on how to do it, but the thing is there is no KNOPPIX_v3xxxxxxxxxx.iso file on the KNOPPIX that i downloaded.

It has a KNOPPIX_vxxxxxxx.rar file, a MD5 file and ASC file. I extracted the Knoppix.rar file, but still i cant find Knoppix_vxxxxx.iso

I hope you can help me on how to burn it, a step by step guide would be appreciated.

Thank You Very Much in Advance!

10-14-2003, 04:54 PM
Perhaps this post (http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3771#17556) will shed some light on your situation.

10-17-2003, 11:02 AM
On the link you gave on that post. Thats where I downloaded mine as well, but still..

When you download it. it says .iso file, but after you finish downloding the whole lot. all you find is .rar files.

Its bullshit man! i have downloaded the piece of shit! 3 times! and all i got is thesame pieces of shit! and you know downloading takes almost 4 hours to complete as its 700MB.

10-17-2003, 03:06 PM
Don't know why you're getting .rar files; sounds like something unique to your computer if you're following Rickenbacherus's advice. Four days have elapsed since your first post - why not save yourself the aggravation and order a disk for $5 from a reseller, and you'll get it in about a week?

10-17-2003, 05:34 PM
Rar files (from http://www.netknowledgebase.com/tutorials/net_intro.html):
Rar files: Another compression/archive format. This is most commonly used on iso or bin files in order to split them up into smaller files (15 MB is the norm). Winrar and many other utilities can decompress these. Rar files are usually in the format .rar, .r01, .r02, etc. But don't be surprised if you don't see a .rar file. Just open up winrar and point it to .r01. You also may see them packed as .001, .002, etc. (maybe with a .rar, maybe not).

Do you have some sort of rar program on your computer that is stealing possesion of the files? Or trying to compress the files as soon as they get into the system? Worst case it sounds like you could just decompress them.

The other thing could be, are you using a download accelerator program? I am not sure exactly how these work, but it may be trying to download parts of the iso from different places and that is why you are ending up with rar files.

Hope this helps, Keep me posted.

10-18-2003, 08:18 PM
Don't know why you're getting .rar files; sounds like something unique to your computer if you're following Rickenbacherus's advice. Four days have elapsed since your first post - why not save yourself the aggravation and order a disk for $5 from a reseller, and you'll get it in about a week?

I dont know either man why Im getting that .rar files. about what you say on ordering it with only $5 and it would only takes 2 weeks. I think i will take ages for it to come here in London. but thanks anyways, i'll try find my way on burning it. thanks for all your replies

10-18-2003, 09:48 PM
In the UK you might try Linux Emporium (Google for 'em). They've been very quich -- 3 days max -- with me in the past.