View Full Version : Crash..! Looking for help w/ Orinoco card on Toshiba laptop

10-15-2003, 05:58 AM
I posted this as a reply to another post in one of the forums, but nobody there seemed to have an answer. I'm having a problem using an Orinoco wireless card in an older Toshiba laptop. Since I don't know if this belongs in either the network or the laptop forums, I'll post it here!

My problem is with a Toshiba 2060cds (amd K6 366, 160mb ram). I have an Orinogo gold card with the latest firmware (dloaded recently from orinocowireless.com), and I'm trying to get it going with Knoppix V3.3 (2003-09-24-EN) (I've also tried older 3.2 versions). Upon bootup, Knoppix hangs hard as it tries to load the orinoco_cs module.

So far, in the BIOS I've turned the PNP OS setting (not called that, but similar) both on and off, I've setup PCMCIA for both PCIC-compatibile and 16-bit/cardbus compatible modes, I've tried other orinoco cards (to make sure the card isn't defective), etc.

When I remove the card before booting, the machine starts up just fine. But if I insert the card after the machine is booted (i.e. when the desktop is up and system has settled), the machine hangs.

Is this a Knoppix problem, a orinoco_cs module problem, a pcmcia system problem, a Toshiba 2060-specific problem... ?!? If anyone has any tips (short of getting a new laptop or wireless card!), I'd greatly appreciate them.
