View Full Version : startup command

10-16-2003, 10:09 AM
i'm using knoppix since yesterday (and this my first time with linux)

and there's 2 things i can't find on the forum

how can i add commands a the start of knoppix, i need to do "sudo mii-tool -r" after each boot because of my netword card.

and also, i can't use gaim to connect to msn, it's says "protocol not supported" some people told me that it's working wih gaim 0.71 but in knoppix 3.3 it's only gaim 0.64. is there any hope ?

(sorry for my english ;))

10-16-2003, 02:25 PM
Are you running from a Cd or HD install?

If you want to add things to startup in knoppix on a live CD you need to remater the CD (this means chaning the CD and reburning it). The changes would have to be made in the rc.d startup directories. There are several pages of instructions on how to do this. Just search the forums for remastering.

There is constant fighting between MSN and third party clients. Microsoft is always trying to keep people from developing other clients. I do not know if the version of gaim in knoppix 3.3 can connect at this point (but there was some news today that suggests if it IS working, it wont be soon, see: http://slashdot.org/articles/03/10/16/0253253.shtml?tid=109&tid=185&tid=187).

Hope this helps.