View Full Version : gaim needs an update on the msn messenger protocol

cybernout on irc
10-16-2003, 01:33 PM
I use knoppix version V3.3, but the gaim msn plugin needs an update, to connect to the network agian. So if Klaus Knopper would be so kind to do an apt-get update && apt-get -t unstable install gaim! Thank you.

cybernout on irc
10-19-2003, 07:51 AM
I have solved it for now by installing amsn in my home dir,
but gaim its still needs updating on knoppix V3.3?

Gaim website quote:

Is MSNP9 (MSN6) going to be supported?

MSNP9 support has existed in Gaim since 0.69. However, at this point, features such as custom smileys and buddy icons aren't yet implemented.

Will I be able to use Gaim for MSN after October 15th? (The day they're preventing third party clients from connecting)

Yes. We use MSNP9, which is available in 0.69 and up, and MSNP9 is supported after October 15th.

10-23-2003, 06:25 PM
hmm.. I didn't have that problem when I install amsn.

anyway next time u might want to try apt-get install :D
it's much quicker and it does the job