View Full Version : WINE

10-18-2003, 03:07 AM
I was recently fooling around with WINE, and discovered that one of my games (GunBound (http://gunbound.net) requires Internet Explorer 4 (only for the news "page" that shows when you first run it). Is there anyway I can trick GunBound into thinking that IE 4 is installed? Or is it kinda hopeless? Also, in practically every program I ran, when ever I hit open or save, it'd quit. One program, NEStra (an NES emulator), started giving me Unhandled Exceptions up the wazoo. I understand that WINE isn't perfect, and the Unhandled Exceptions are alright (I don't need to use MSWord while in Knoppix anyway =P), but is it at least possible to somehow make GunBound think that IE4 is installed when it really isn't?

10-18-2003, 04:01 AM
If it needs MSIE to function I'd say you're pretty well screwed. But I'm not a Linux expert by far.

One thing I can comment on with a reasonable amount of knowledge is why are you using WINE to emulate an NES emultor? That's kind of.. er.. redundant. An emultaor emulating an emulator. Surely there exist native NES emus for Linux. I'd point one out, but I'm not an NES fan. I use ZSNES in Linux, a SNES emu, and ePSXe, a playstation1 emu. I'm also toying with Mupen64, a n64 emu. These are all native Linux.

Of course 8 bit NES is so lax on the reqs I'm sure you could do some crazy like run a Linux system with VMWare running Windows on top with Cygwin emulating Linux inside that with WINE installed inside Cygwin and WINE emulating the NEs emulator. In fact, try that some day just for laughs :D

10-18-2003, 04:47 AM
I can't get out to the net while in Knoppix, so I can't download an NES emulator. Besides, I was just screwing around seeing what I could do. Personally, I like Snes9x for SNES emu, I have it for Windows on my machine, and for Linux on my lil bro's machine. On his machine, it actually runs faster in Linux than it does in Windows.

EDIT: I have Damn Small Linux installed on his machine right now.

10-18-2003, 06:54 AM
email me

10-18-2003, 06:14 PM
E-mail you? About what? With what info?

10-18-2003, 09:51 PM
You might try simply putting IE 4 on. IIRC it's said to run fine in Wine.