View Full Version : Newbie (How do I install Programs?)

10-19-2003, 04:51 PM
Hi all. I am a newbie here so this is probably a super basic question.

I installed Knoppix 3.3 to my hard drive. I downloaded a few programs but I dont know how to install them. I unzipped the tar.gz files and I go the dir and there is and install.sh file, but it wont run.

Is there a basic way to install programs on here?
Any help would be appreciated.


10-19-2003, 05:21 PM
Since knoppix is based on Debian, you can use apt-get:
Since the normal interface is not so easy to use (but once you know it, very fast), I recommend you to install synaptic:
open a konsole, type "su' to become root, and then type 'apt-get install synaptic' (if you get errors, you may try to type 'apt-get update' first).
afterwards you can run synaptic by just typing 'synaptic'.
A good guide about synaptic is:
It's a pretty easy program to install almost all other programs.