View Full Version : Logon to active directory or NT directory ......

10-21-2003, 12:30 AM
Any idea anyone on how to logon to such domain from knoppix ?

Purpose is to have one authentification process which is used for every application which knoppix uses.
For example terminal services client,citrix client,oracle client,acessing network printers,etc... .
For windoze this must only done 1 time. At logon.. .
For knoppix... ,for each application.... .
Knoppix could indeed be used as a transition to a fully linux enviroment.
Boot your pc with knoppix,when encountering a serious problem removed the cd and boot normally again. (or visa versa).
Maybe an idea for a customized knoppix ?

10-21-2003, 02:37 AM
Any idea anyone on how to logon to such domain from knoppix ?

Purpose is to have one authentification process which is used for every application which knoppix uses.
For example terminal services client,citrix client,oracle client,acessing network printers,etc... .
For windoze this must only done 1 time. At logon.. .
For knoppix... ,for each application.... .
Knoppix could indeed be used as a transition to a fully linux enviroment.
Boot your pc with knoppix,when encountering a serious problem removed the cd and boot normally again. (or visa versa).
Maybe an idea for a customized knoppix ?

winbind and kerberos. However, I wonder if it can do all the things you mentioned. print and file sharing should have no problem, for the others it would be iffy.

11-03-2003, 08:41 PM
This is a perl script I use (written by Keith Zimmerman) to log onto a win domain:

#!/usr/bin/perl#my $shareName = 'netlogon';my $mountPoint = '//mnt/z';# variables for domain infomy $DOMAIN='';my $WORKGROUP='';my $SERVER='';# detecting domainmy @names = split( /\n/, `nmblookup -MS -- -` );for my $name (@names) { $SERVER = $1 if $name =~ /\s*(\w*)\s*<20>/i && $SERVER eq ''; $DOMAIN = $1 if $name =~ /\s*(\w*)\s*<1b>/i && $DOMAIN eq ''; $WORKGROUP = $1 if $name =~ /\s*(\w*)\s*<1d>/i && $WORKGROUP eq '';}$DOMAIN = $WORKGROUP if $DOMAIN eq '';my $chatter = '';while( 1 ){ $chatter = 'ERROR:\n$chatter\n' if $chatter ne ''; print $chatter; $usp = `Xdialog --separator '~' --wrap --left --stdout --title \'Mount User Directory\' --password --2inputsbox \'$chatter \nPlease enter
your username and password for the $DOMAIN domain.\n\nI will attempt to use this information to mount //$SERVER/$shareName at $mountPoint\' 25 60 \'User Name:\' \'$ENV{'USER'}\' \'Password:\' \'\'`; if( $? == 0 ) { $usp =~ /(.*?)~(.*)/; $ENV{'USER'} = $1; $ENV{'PASSWD'} = $2; $chatter = `smbmount //$SERVER/$shareName $mountPoint 2>&1`; `grep -q \'//$SERVER/$shareName\' /proc/mounts`; if( !$? ) { `$mountPoint/login.sh` if -x '$mountPoint/login.sh'; exit; } } else { die 'user canceled'; }}

11-09-2003, 06:34 PM
Do you know where online you got that script? The reposting to the forum has messed up the formatting. I tried searching for it but couldn't find it.