View Full Version : Knoppix Not Working HELP!!!

10-22-2003, 11:53 AM
I have knoppix V3.2, with a Athlon 3d processor (550 mhz) with 180 mg ram running at 800 by 600 resolution, but when i try to boot knopix from the cd im not sure how to do it correctly.
it comes up with a screen where i can type in commands and i press enter and it types up all this stuff in different colors and loads knoppix.
eventually my screen goes all funny, and a box come up on the screen, the type you would see if you changed the monitor settings by manually pressing buttons on the front of the monitor. It says for me to check my pc settings. i dont know if this matters but i am running at a refesh rate of 85hz.
I hope u can help me

10-22-2003, 12:35 PM
Hi Wayne,

at the boot: prompt try
knoppix screen=800x600

Ciao Martin

10-23-2003, 11:36 AM
Hi Wayne,

please don't open another thread for the same error!

posted a subject yesterday saying that knoppix loaded but my screen didnt want so show the desktop.
i have a Athlon 550mhz 3d processor with 180mb ram and a screen running at 800x600
This is it in more detail
what happens is that i boot from the cd and after all the colorful writing saying its loading kernal etc has stopped my screen goes black and then a blue box come up and says:

Out Of Frequency
Check PC
Display Settings

plz help
knoppix rules

boot: knoppix noddc screen=800x600 xvrefresh=60

You have a very old monitor that can't display the high refresh rates.

Ciao Martin