View Full Version : refresh rate and resolution all screwed up

10-23-2003, 02:45 AM
when i installed knoppix it ran in 1024x768@60Hz, or at least something close to that, and know i want to run it in 1024x768@85Hz, but what i get when i try to use kXconfig i get something like 640x480@60Hz, even knowing that i selected 1024x768@85Hz, and rebooted the machene. does any one know what is going on? how do i set the both of them?

also some specs, i have a P III @701 MHz ,256 mb of sdram, a NEC multisync75 monotor, and an ATI Radeo 9700 pro (AGP).

and one more thing, which driver do i use for the graphics card (there is like four of them)?

ith am a fairly advanced windowz user but when it come to linux i am lost but i want to learn it because the more i use Windowz, the more i hate it.


10-23-2003, 06:48 AM
Does knoppix run your video OK if you boot from a cd?

Check out the boot parameter for refresh rate and play around with it, once you get your screen resolution and refresh rate the way you want it mount your hd read/write and save the created /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file to your hd and then boot your hd install.

That is the easiest way to "fix" your video with knoppix, the "pure" debian way is to run this command:
dpkg-reconfigure -pmedium xserver-xfree86
and answer all of the prompts, but you'll have to know what all of your hardware needs for devices and modules.

Probably google for:
xfree86 ati radeon 9700
to see what module to use.

Also maybe check out this page:



10-23-2003, 06:49 AM
I see you're a gui type of person.

anyway. try kconfig, in peripherals
afterwards restart x

then you should get what you want :p

10-23-2003, 08:25 PM
RockMumbles yes it does run fine from a cd, however it just does not take full advantage of my graphics card. i am first going to try the unix command option
thanks both of you i hope this works

10-24-2003, 02:00 AM
i typed in this command

dpkg-reconfigure -pmedium xserver-xfree86

i went through all the prompts and this is what i got at the very end

dexconf: cannot generate configuration file;
xserver-xfree86/config/device/identifier not set. Aborting. Reconfigure the X
server with "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86" to correct this problem.
Unable to write X server configuration file.

why is it not able to write the file?

i restarted and it is in 1024X768 (i think)but it is still is in 60 Hz refresh rate what goin on?


10-24-2003, 05:49 AM
when you boot up on cd are you using the xvrefresh boot-parameter?

knoppix xvrefresh=85

plus any additional boot-parameters needed for your system?

if so and it works OK, then mount your hd read/write and make a backup copy of your existing XF86Config-4 file (in /etc/X11) and then copy the newly created /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file to your hd and put it in mountpoint/etc/X11

then you should be set to go, as far as the dpkg-reconfigure command, are you running that booted from your hd install as root?


10-26-2003, 06:31 AM

I have done a HD install of Knoppix on an old Sharp PC-9820-T notebook. When I run Knoppix from the CD, my video configuration is perfect (specifically 1024x768 dpi). However, when I boot from the HDD, I find I have an awful, blocky 640x420 resolution.

I tried running the kXConfig tool and changing the screen resolution to 1024x768. This did nothing until I also changed the Virtual Desktop setting. Then I found my X screen was scrambled after restarting.

I rebooted from the CD and tried the advice given earlier in this thread - copying /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 over the top of /hda1/etc/X11/XF86Config-4.

While I was there (booted from the CD), I took a look at the KXConfig settings. Mysteriously, the screen configuration there was specified as 640x480, though I know that the this was not the resolution being used (based on what I saw and the Info Center. This particular notebook has an awful blocky display in 640x480 and a very smooth, attractive display in 1024 x 768. When booting from the CD, I get the latter.

Anyway, after rebooting from the HD, at least I don't have a scrambled display, however, I'm back to the awful, blocky 640x480 mode.

How do I find out what display resolution settings are being used in CD-boot mode and then transfer those settings to my HD boot configuration?
