View Full Version : Knoppix Distro with persistant directory on same CD?

10-23-2003, 10:12 PM
Here's a question I had going through my head. Is it possibel to trim down the distro a little bit, put it onto a rewritable CD instead of a regular cd, and then create a persistant directory on the same CD? That way I could keep everything on one disk? I'm not a linux guru, so I'm throwing the question out there. Think it's possible?


10-24-2003, 05:13 AM
Welcome dennison_b,

Keep those wheels in you brain turning, you may
come up with a great idea some day.
Sorry, just not yet. :wink:
KNOPPIX is a great distro for creative ideas.

Linux can write to a RWCD but up until
recently -- only to the whole disk at once.
Writing to part of a disk and changing it is
call packet writing. I am no expert but this is
just starting to be possible in the newest Linux

The best solution is the key, thumb, stick usb
drives starting at $30us. (It would be nice if they
had an official generic name.)

But since they are still expensive compared to a
CDRW and can be lost I agree with your idea.
I have been working on a KNOPPIX add-on project
called burn_home.
I have not updated the scripts recently and am making a
lot of changes. I am now working on changes to
to allow encryption. So this is very much a work
in progress.

Best Wishes

11-04-2003, 10:33 AM
Hi paradoc.

I love the idea. Can you email me your script and I put it on my ftp server?

11-05-2003, 08:57 AM
Hi tealeaf,

Yes, I would be happy to e-mail the script. That is the best
way for now. Copying my post does not work because
editors add trailing space and mess up the lines. In
addition what is posted there is usually out of date.
I now have encryption added.

My next hope is to add translucency -- a method
to allow deb packages to be added to the live CD
boot while in ram.

Then we will have a true 2 CD KNOPPIX
or KNOPPIX+ distro.

Leave your e-mail, in spam protected form and
I will sent the script.

Alternative -- I spend a lot of time on IRC
channel #knoppix 11pm -- 4 AM us cst.

Best Wishes

11-05-2003, 08:48 PM
TIA paradocs. I'll leave my email address on your site.
Re translucency: I am working with some other guys on a method of switching cloop'ed files without rebooting and hope to finish it next week. It's sort of half solution to translucency.

11-07-2003, 01:00 AM
TIA paradocs. I'll leave my email address on your site.
Re translucency: I am working with some other guys on a method of switching cloop'ed files without rebooting and hope to finish it next week. It's sort of half solution to translucency.

Talking about translucency, there is a translucency kernel module which allows stacking of R/W FS onto another RO FS(so one can apt-get on top of knoppix but if there is any 'delete then copy', it still will fail as delete from RO FS will return error immediately). The problem though is it would require heavy rewrite for linux 2.6 that should be out soon, but then cloop is in the same boat.