View Full Version : FreeS/WAN help needed....

10-28-2003, 01:02 AM
Hi, I'm a novice in Knoppix and would like to know the support of FreeS/WAN in Knoppix. I guess re-compile the kernel is required, isn't it? After gone through half of steps listed in the 'remasting-howto' and reached the add/remove package section, I apt-get install the kernel-source, freeswan, and kernel-patch-freeswan. Then what's next? Thanks!

10-28-2003, 03:54 AM
I am in the same situation as magi. I noticed the Makefile in /usr/src and tried it (after untarring freeswan into the modules directory). The build fails with this:
Makefile:216: /usr/src/linux/Rules.make: No such file or directory
(Has anybody else noticed that google has become significantly less helpful over the past several months? It's really hard to find what I'm looking for now ....)

11-01-2003, 01:56 PM
I can successfully compile and reboot the kernel now, after reading and digest many previous post.

However, FreeS/WAN support is not easy. The kernel in Knoppix3.3 is 2.4.22 and the current debian version of kernel-patch-freeswan is 1.9, which is imcompatible to 2.4.22. According to some posts, 1.9 can only work with 2.4.20. I search through the Internet and finally able to get the Knoppix3.1 which kernel is 2.4.20. However, I cannot find the xfs patch for 2.4.20 and only version for 2.4.22 is available.

Anyone please tell me where can I download the xfs patch for 2.4.20....

11-01-2003, 09:04 PM
I can successfully compile and reboot the kernel now, after reading and digest many previous post.

However, FreeS/WAN support is not easy. The kernel in Knoppix3.3 is 2.4.22 and the current debian version of kernel-patch-freeswan is 1.9, which is imcompatible to 2.4.22. According to some posts, 1.9 can only work with 2.4.20. I search through the Internet and finally able to get the Knoppix3.1 which kernel is 2.4.20. However, I cannot find the xfs patch for 2.4.20 and only version for 2.4.22 is available.

Anyone please tell me where can I download the xfs patch for 2.4.20....

You should post to the developers list someone there should be able to help. The address is debian-knoppix@linuxtag.org you will have to subscribe (http://mailman.linuxtag.org/mailman/listinfo/debian-knoppix) to the list to post to it.