View Full Version : Laptop corrupts CD

10-28-2003, 06:15 PM
I downloaded an ISO (3.3 2003-09-24) and checked the md5sum - it was correct. I burned the CD with k3b and tested it on a desktop with the testcd cheatcode and it said it was fine.

Tried to install to my laptop hard drive (debootstrap, knoppix-installer, and knx-hdinstall) and it came up with errors. So I ran testcd cheatcode on my laptop and it tells me the cd is bad. I ran testcd on another desktop and it came out fine. The memory in the laptop is good, I tested that too. Could it be my CD-ROM drive?

The laptop is a Gateway Solo 1450 that I'd really like to have a Linux partition on. I've installed Knoppix on it before it's only stopped working with 3.3

10-28-2003, 07:58 PM
--It could very well be your cdrom drive. A way to get around it, if you have 700MB free space on the c:\ drive:

o ftp the x:\knoppix\knoppix CD file from another computer to the laptop -> c:\knoppix\knoppix

o boot from floppy (x:\knoppix\mkfloppy.bat - poor man's install) and install to HD from there.

--After everything is up and working, you can delete the c:\knoppix dir.

--Are you using CDRW? If so, switch to CDR and try that on the laptop instead. Older drives have problems with cdrw.

I downloaded an ISO (3.3 2003-09-24) and checked the md5sum - it was correct. I burned the CD with k3b and tested it on a desktop with the testcd cheatcode and it said it was fine.

Tried to install to my laptop hard drive (debootstrap, knoppix-installer, and knx-hdinstall) and it came up with errors. So I ran testcd cheatcode on my laptop and it tells me the cd is bad. I ran testcd on another desktop and it came out fine. The memory in the laptop is good, I tested that too. Could it be my CD-ROM drive?

The laptop is a Gateway Solo 1450 that I'd really like to have a Linux partition on. I've installed Knoppix on it before it's only stopped working with 3.3

10-28-2003, 09:56 PM
It was a CDRW but my old 3.2 CDR still fails the test. I do have some free space so I'll probably do it that way.

Too bad I've already given away the last knoppix CD I installed with on my laptop - then I could find out if perhaps the lens is dirty.


10-28-2003, 10:20 PM
I do have some free space so I'll probably do it that way.
Beware, for the "poor man install" only works if your C: drive is fat (not NTFS)

10-30-2003, 01:49 AM
:D I have a partition on my laptop that I plan to format as FAT and use it just for file storage. That way I can easily share files between Windows and Linux. That's what I used for the poor man's install. 8)