View Full Version : Mozilla menu fonts after knx-hdinstall

10-29-2003, 03:09 AM
Hi All
When I run knoppix off the CD, the menu fonts in Mozilla look really fantastic... very clear, crisp and legible.
But when I do a knx-hdinstall and run Knoppix off hard-disk, the fonts don't look quite as good.
Can anyone tell me how to recreate the CD-based Mozilla font configuration on the hard-drive.

10-29-2003, 03:18 AM
Hi All
When I run knoppix off the CD, the menu fonts in Mozilla look really fantastic... very clear, crisp and legible.
But when I do a knx-hdinstall and run Knoppix off hard-disk, the fonts don't look quite as good.
Can anyone tell me how to recreate the CD-based Mozilla font configuration on the hard-drive.

Does your hd install boot into KDM? For some reason I have found that booting into KDM borks the fonts in general in Knoppix and that it's quite noticeable in Mozilla.

Try this. After booting into KDE, (or whatever window manager you are using), open a shell and, as root, do:

init 2

Then login and do "startx"

Do your fonts look any better? I've found that this has a big effect on my fonts. If anyone knows what's going on here with KDM, let me know.


10-29-2003, 04:11 AM
Hi Adam

Thanks for the reply.

I did what you suggested and you are quite right, it makes a big difference to the fonts.
When I start up the first time, most of the fonts are bit on the smallish side, but restarting X as you say makes all the fonts much bigger.

I did a search before posting my question, and I noticed that many of the earlier comments were about fonts being too small, so your tip is certainly something that should be investigated further, because I think it could help a lot of people.

On my laptop though, the bigger fonts didn't look all that great because sometimes the vertical bars spanned two pixels, and sometimes just one.
Somewhere in between the two would suit me perfectly, so I guess I will still keep investigating to figure out what is going on.

After a bit of playing around, I actually found the answer to my own question regarding Mozilla. I simply copied the entire .mozilla directory from the CD's ~knoppix to the corresponding directory on the hard disk, and the mozilla menu fonts came up exactly as when booting from CD-ROM.

One think is clear though... Knoppix Rocks.


10-29-2003, 04:37 AM
Glad it helped.

10-29-2003, 05:57 AM
init 2

Then login and do "startx"

Do your fonts look any better? I've found that this has a big effect on my fonts. If anyone knows what's going on here with KDM, let me know.


Try changing the -dpi 75 to -dpi 100 in the /etc/kde3/kdm/Xservers.

10-29-2003, 06:52 AM
init 2

Then login and do "startx"

Do your fonts look any better? I've found that this has a big effect on my fonts. If anyone knows what's going on here with KDM, let me know.


Try changing the -dpi 75 to -dpi 100 in the /etc/kde3/kdm/Xservers.


I'll try it. Thanks.

10-30-2003, 05:04 AM
Try changing the -dpi 75 to -dpi 100 in the /etc/kde3/kdm/Xservers.

That was a good suggestion Stephen, but it doesn't take care of the problem. The fonts still don't look as good as when X is started w/o KDM. The letters are very close together, small, and not as well defined as when I simply use "startx" I find this to be consistently the case across several machines and am still not sure what the problem is.

10-30-2003, 04:41 PM
Try changing the -dpi 75 to -dpi 100 in the /etc/kde3/kdm/Xservers.

Stephen, I take it back. This is the fix I was looking for. It didn't seem this way last night because I only restarted X, but not KDM. This morning after a reboot, fonts are fixed. Thanks.
