View Full Version : No power-off on logout without remastering?

10-29-2003, 09:13 AM

Is it possible to customize knoppix.iso with knoppix-customize in that way, when user clicks logout computer restarts?

Current behavior is power-off on logout, and i would like restart instead of power-off. I hope that if I changed startkde or kdeinit_shutdown it would be enough but...

I tried to extract startkde script from knoppix.iso (3.3) but I wans't successfull, because this script is somewhere in /KNOPPIX/etc/kde3/debian/ i think, and when I try

knoppix-customize --image knoppix.iso --action extract_file --image_file /KNOPPIX/etc/kde3/debian/starkde --local_file

it fails, because knoppix-customize can't fnd /KNOPPIX/etc/

path is cut to 11 characters (defined in knoppix-customize.c)

knoppix-customize.txt says something about DOS 8.3 format. Does someone know exact path to startkde script in iso image? so I can extract itd...


11-04-2003, 11:01 PM
I was working though the scripts and it is in the rc5.d directory. There is a call to shutdown after the call to start KDE. Change the call to restart instead of shutdown. I tend to brute force those thingsm, but there is a utility in KDE that will change what is enable at each run level.