View Full Version : Nvidia splash screen, now what?

10-30-2003, 08:23 AM
I installed the Nvidia drivers and now get the splash screen when I boot up. However my GForce4 MX card is not detected. Under Display for a video card is selected ALL. I do not see the GForce4 MX under Nvidia. Nor am I able to run any GL type screensavers.

I'm a noobe learning fast, but I must be missing something. Please help


10-30-2003, 05:37 PM
I installed the Nvidia drivers and now get the splash screen when I boot up. However my GForce4 MX card is not detected. Under Display for a video card is selected ALL. I do not see the GForce4 MX under Nvidia. Nor am I able to run any GL type screensavers.

I'm a noobe learning fast, but I must be missing something. Please help


You should check the default depth of your display I believe if it is above 16 bit the screensavers will not work. To check if it is working open a console window and glxgears and you should see some spinning wheels (gears) this should work at higher resoulutions at least it does on my machine. A link to the Nvidia forum (http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/index.php?s=2fabccdc31b19db8479d6ddc98269c01) if you have not already found it.

BTW if you want to get rid of the logo your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 should look like this:

Driver "nvidia"
Option "NoLogo" "on"

10-30-2003, 05:57 PM
You should also install yanc:


It allows easy configuration of things and includes a button to turn on/off the nvidia logo. Yanc is also the easiest way I have found to configure TV-out.

10-30-2003, 06:54 PM
OK, I get the spinning gears. But with the vid card detected as All/All I am not able to change my screen resolution from 640X480 color 8. Should I choose one of the cards listed in the Nvidia selection even though there is no GForce 4?


Also dl yanc

yanc say's the drivers to old!

10-31-2003, 01:34 AM
Thx for the glxgears and yanc tips.

--BTW, I replaced my ancient Riva TNT2 card with a Geforce4 MX440, and in both Linux + Win everything works perfectly. I did reinstall the Linux driver JIC, but not sure if it's absolutely necessary.

@Dave - did you follow all of nvidia's directions when installing the drivers? You have to comment out stuff like this in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4:

## Load "GLcore" # xxx 2003.0528 Removed for nvidia
## Load "dri" # xxx Removed for nvidia
# Driver "nv" # xxx Removed for nvidia
Driver "nvidia" # xxx 2003.0528

10-31-2003, 02:41 AM
I used the old installer script to do the install. But I also checked the config files for the changes. I also tried most current drivers from nvidia but they would not install says I have a gcc error. I tried:



Nothing seemed to happen when I entered these in root still got the same errors. If it would help I can post the install log file.


10-31-2003, 02:46 AM
I used the old installer script to do the install. But I also checked the config files for the changes. I also tried most current drivers from nvidia but they would not install says I have a gcc error. I tried:



Nothing seemed to happen when I entered these in root still got the same errors. If it would help I can post the install log file.


Try export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-2.95 before the compile.

10-31-2003, 02:59 AM
Nope get the same error gcc-check error 1

Something about failed cc sanity (They must know my history...)

Anyways, open to other ideas
