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01-29-2003, 04:26 PM
What's the difference between


because with those command

lndir /KNOPPIX/usr /mnt/hda2/dest
mount --bind /mnt/hda2/dest /usr

the command is clean but I can not acces all applcation so what's the pb ..?

01-30-2003, 07:27 PM
--Dude, I've never even *heard* of those last 2 commands. What are you trying to accomplish?

What's the difference between


because with those command

lndir /KNOPPIX/usr /mnt/hda2/dest
mount --bind /mnt/hda2/dest /usr

the command is clean but I can not acces all applcation so what's the pb ..?

01-31-2003, 07:04 AM
I found my error ;;

mount --bind is to mount a directory in another place in the file tree..
and lndir is to symlink all files from a directory to an another one... If you do not understand what i try to explain check the man page ...
it's enough late so .. (in UK )

01-31-2003, 05:54 PM
--Ok, I think it's beginning to make some sense. I'll check the man pages. But please post more info (especially on how you solved the problem) so other people can benefit from your experience.

--The reason I was confused, is that AFAIK linux (at least Linus's stock kernel) didn't support what you were trying to do, but Free(?)BSD did (or one of them anyway.) It'll be interesting to check out...

I found my error ;;

mount --bind is to mount a directory in another place in the file tree..
and lndir is to symlink all files from a directory to an another one... If you do not understand what i try to explain check the man page ...
it's enough late so .. (in UK )

02-01-2003, 06:41 AM
Just read this topic you will undestand ..

So thanks; if you have any suggest even 'creasy' just write !!!
We need suggest from more people if possible ;;


02-02-2003, 07:43 AM
--I posted a few little things here and there to the thread. :wink:

Just read this topic you will undestand ..

So thanks; if you have any suggest even 'creasy' just write !!!
We need suggest from more people if possible ;;
