View Full Version : Error: Only one processor found

10-31-2003, 12:24 AM
Hello I have been having problems booting from my Knoppix CDR.

I have set the boot option to boot from CDRom first and placed my Knoppix CDR into the relevent CDRom and it starts to boot.

But then I get an arror message "Error: Only one processor found" and then I get another message repeated over and again until I reboot "HDA has lost interupt".

I have recently upgraded my computer and was able to use Knoppix happily on the old one booting from CDR.

Is Knoppix not suitable for an AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2400+ 2.0 GHz?

10-31-2003, 03:59 AM
I've got the same problem on a new computer I just got at work. It's an Athalon 2500+ with a SIS board. I'd just assumed the board was too bleeding edge....maybe not?

I can get Knoppix to run with "noapm noapic" boot options. I'm using a really old monitor, so I also use "screen=800x600" or I get a black screen at X start [but that's probably a monitor issue]

come to thing about it....but tutulatin celeron & 815 mobo at home seem to have the same issue with 3.3 [but not the others] & again the same thing as above works to get going.

Seems to be a 3.3 problem? What's up?

10-31-2003, 07:30 AM
I Have a Celeron 1.7 Running on a Intel 845GE Board. When I Boot it also desplays "Error: Only One Processor", but unlike you guys my system starts and I can run anything on the knoppix CD. I have even installed knoppix to the HDD and still gives me the error. Maybe the new mother board architecture is giving Debian false info so as to make it think it is a dual processor board (With intel this could be Hyper Threading, Don't know about AMD). Just a thought ....

10-31-2003, 07:48 AM
i get same error on my Single CPU Athlon 1700+ system
board is Asus if it helps
and i was running knoppix in VMWare 4.x if it helps :)

01-04-2004, 09:52 AM
The same error apears on my new Duron 1600, Asrock K7S8XE with SiS 748 Chipset. Right after the error-message the boot process stops.

02-18-2004, 01:31 AM
it thinks you have 2 processors and can only find one. Why it thinks this I do not know. I am researching this further will write back when I find some valid Info. Something to do with SMP (symmetric multiprocessing) 8) [/quote]

02-20-2004, 05:29 PM
I've seen the "only one processor" error on lots of machines; I figure it's normal. If Knoppix finds a processor with hyperthreading it can support, the kernel will load twice and you'll see two cartoon penguins on boot instead of just the one. The fanciest Toshiba laptop will do this.

Those of you who are having trouble booting are probably dealing with a different problem. You could try starting with "knoppix test" to verify the integrity of the CD.