View Full Version : Knoppix Cheatcodes

RE Dude
10-31-2003, 09:43 PM
During boot (from the CD), what is the correct syntax for combinations of cheatcodes at the boot prompt? Is the following acceptable?

boot: knoppix home=scan myconfig=scan lang=us


boot: knoppix home=scan knoppix myconfig=scan knoppix lang=scan

Which is correct? Can prefernce combinations be typed without additional "knoppix" statements on the same boot line. Please bear with me, I am quite new to Linux, but am so happy to have an alternative to Microsoft.[/img]

10-31-2003, 10:17 PM
During boot (from the CD), what is the correct syntax for combinations of cheatcodes at the boot prompt? Is the following acceptable?

boot: knoppix home=scan myconfig=scan lang=us

That is correct.

boot: knoppix home=scan knoppix myconfig=scan knoppix lang=scan

I don't think that'll work. :)

You see- what you are doing is

A) Selecting the kernel to boot i.e. knoppix or failsafe.
B) Adding parameters to be passed to the kernel when it boots e.g. noscsi nodma etc. etc. Knoppix has been modified to accept an unusually long line of commands at the boot prompt.

RE Dude
10-31-2003, 10:41 PM
Many thanks to you.

I thought the latter (with multiple knoppix) looked wrong, but I wasn't for certain. I had to post that question, because in the past I typed:

boot: knoppix lang=us myconfig=scan home=scan keyboard=us (and so on)

This resulted in some strange things when my desktop loaded. Icons were all over the place (misaligned) and subdirectories I created for other purposes (in my home directory) were missing. This is now working, but applications like AbiWord don't save documents --- at all. I'm sure it's something I've done, because for the most part. Knoppix works great!!!

11-01-2003, 05:11 AM
Many thanks to you.

I thought the latter (with multiple knoppix) looked wrong, but I wasn't for certain. I had to post that question, because in the past I typed:

boot: knoppix lang=us myconfig=scan home=scan keyboard=us (and so on)

This resulted in some strange things when my desktop loaded. Icons were all over the place (misaligned) and subdirectories I created for other purposes (in my home directory) were missing. This is now working, but applications like AbiWord don't save documents --- at all. I'm sure it's something I've done, because for the most part. Knoppix works great!!!

Beleive it or not I've never even tried to use the persistent home feature of Knoppix. I have either installed it or use it to save dead M$ machines where everything is temporary anyway. In order to save an Abiword document you'd need to mount a hard drive partition read-write and save it to that partition. That is of course if it isn't an NTFS drive. :)