View Full Version : patch for enabling k3b for user mode ?

11-01-2003, 08:41 AM

I have KNOPPIX V3.3-2003-09-22.
How could I enable k3b for user mode without downloading the whole iso image of KNOPPIX V3.3-2003-09-24 ?

11-01-2003, 10:19 PM
Probably by changing the owner of /dev/cdrecorder or whatnot to knoppix instead of root?

or making a new group and have it own the cd... or maybe it exists... so maybe just adding yourself to that group

I don't know ... just guessing to maybe help you.

11-05-2003, 02:05 PM
Hi Air-Op

Thanks for the tip.
Unfortunate I am a newbie and yo must "translate" for me how to change the owner of a device or how to make group.
Anyway I was looking on the forum and I sow that in root mode is working so I will use it in root mode

Thanks once again