View Full Version : NFS: invalid argument

11-03-2003, 10:26 AM
I exports from server file1-lx some directories and import them on the host x-win

/RAID10 is a mount point on file1-lx, mounted to a SCSI-partition. The partition is mounted.

# /etc/exports
/RAID10/DtData *.hartmann-nt(rw)
/RAID10 *.hartmann-nt(rw)
/RAID10/cmdqueue *.hartmann-nt(rw)

The command exportfs -va issues:

exporting *.hartmann-nt:/RAID10/cmdqueue
exporting *.hartmann-nt:/RAID10/DtData
exporting *.hartmann-nt:/RAID10
unexporting x-win.hartmann-nt:/RAID10 from kernel
x-win.hartmann-nt:/RAID10: Invalid argument

On x-win (importing host):

file1-lx:/RAID10/cmdqueue /mnt/file1-lx/1x31415/cmdqueue nfs defaults,auto 0 0
file1-lx:/RAID10 /mnt/file1-lx/1x31415/RAID10 nfs defaults,auto 0 0

mount file1-lx:/RAID10

mount: file1-lx:/RAID10 failed, reason given by server: Keine Berechtigung # no permission

What is wrong. Where is the difference from /RAID10 to /RAID10/cmdqueue?

I answer myself:
The problem is that /RAID10/cmdqueue is a subdirectory of /RAID10.

The message "NFS: invalid argument" has following reason:
You must unmount all clients before you can change NFS-data (doing exportfs).

It costs much of time to find this!
