View Full Version : CDRtools Package & CDrecord Installing? HOW?

11-04-2003, 07:17 PM
What is the procedure to install the CDRtools package, the K3B program is looking for?

Where is this CDRtools package, under what menu and what name?

Has anyone ever gotten a USB CD-RW drive to "write" cd's with Knoppix?

How did you do it?

11-04-2003, 09:01 PM
CDRtools should be installed by default. cdrecord is an example of a CDRtool. If you are running from either the live CD or a hd install, everything for CD burning should be there.

If it really isn't, use apt to get cdrtools or just cdrecord.

apt-get install cdrecord

I do not have experience with USB cdr cdrives, but they should work.