View Full Version : file:/mnt/cdrom does not exist

11-05-2003, 02:31 PM
Up to yesterday evening, I could access my CD-ROM with no particular troubles. Last night, I was able to snag a copy of the new desktop background from the 11-03 CD-ROM and copy it to my home directory just fine.

This morning, I tried to use the CD-ROM drive from the desktop cdrom icon, but ran into the following error:

Error - KDesktop
Unable to run the command specified. The file or directory file:/mnt/cdrom does not exist.

Logging in as root, I was able to play the CD just fine.

I had created another user, so I logged in as that user and was greeted with the error:

Error - kscd
CD-ROM read or access error (or no audio disc in drive). Please make sure you have access permissions to: /dev/cdrom

This error came up as soon as KDE loaded the desktop, with an audio CD still in the drive from having been logged in as the standard user.

So I looked in /dev/ and su'd to root, ran "chmod 777 cdrom" for good measure, and this did seem to make the CD playable through kscd, but I still get the /mnt/cdrom error when logged in as my standard user. root and the second user I created don't have a cdrom icon on the desktop.

These are all the details I've gathered so far, since I need to get off to work, but I wanted to go ahead and post my puzzlement and see if it rings any bells for anyone.
