View Full Version : live cd-how to install

11-06-2003, 01:27 AM
Hello I am a new user.Sorry if my question is mentioned before but i don't know the language well to search everything.I have a knoppix live cd and it is very convinient to me but it is very slow as it runs from cd-rom.Is there any way to install knoppix in my hard disk and keep my win xp in the other partition? And one more question I have a Planet internal modem 56K but I can't work with it under linux.Any ideas?Thanks

11-06-2003, 01:04 PM
Boot KNOPPIX from harddisk (this is not about installing)!

How to create a GNU/Linux installation out of Knoppix CD

You could try a "poor mans install" l. Using a boot floppy, your computer will boot knoppix off of the hard drive as though its a cdrom. It should rune faster than the cd drive. But booting time will be sort of slow because of the floppy.You copy the cdrom:/ knoppix/knoppix file (over 600Mb) from the cd into a directory called c:\knoppix on your hard drive. You can do this from Windows. To make the boot floppy-put a blank floppy in the drive and double-click on the mkfloppy file in the knoppix directory of the cd.

Then reboot with the floppy in the drive and without the cd in the drive.

Your modem may be a winmodem-which is bad http://linmodems.org/

You need a hardware modem. I just got this one for $12 with free shipping though www.pricewatch.com.
http://www.acortech.com/.sc/ms/dd/1062381579124299/9/nc/Modem--Generic/1376/CenDyne%252056K%2520V%252E92%2520External%2520Inte rnet%2520Serial%2520DataFax%2520Modem%2520Bulk
It works fine.