View Full Version : multi boot different version of knoppix

11-06-2003, 11:04 PM
i have a 40gb hdd
1st part /dev/hda1 - i would like to use to ms-win-os

i can create 1gb 5 partitions

i would like to put different versions of knoppix iso on different partition and would like to boot those iso's from hdd. is there a way to do it?

instead of booting just iso's of the hdd i can copy the contents of each iso to the each different partition and would like to boot the knoppix'es through those partition. is there a way to do it?

i am not talking about installing knoppix on hdd. i am talking about hdd based knoppix.

i would like to keep my mswin as it is on the primary partition.

first of all is it possible to get the above done?
if yes, can i use the mswin2k/xp boot loader or would i need any other boot loader?

i prefer using mswin boot loader. any ideas welcome.

thank you in advance

11-07-2003, 12:11 AM
This topic has been covered in the past, search GRUB and my name to get some idea. I am doing it now, with XP loader as the primary loader which can chain load GRUB which can boot multiple KNOPPIX, either the complete ISO image or the extracted CLOOPED image. Both methods require some slight changes to the miniroot but it is pretty easy if you know a bit about shell script.

Using this method, I have built only one KNOPPIX CD and can keep up with every new version ever since.

11-07-2003, 04:21 PM

i was reading at some of your post as you said and wanted to tell you that i also tried using w32grub on xp pro with ntfs and as soon as i select the grub boot loader from the ntbootloader the grub hangs with GRUB word on the top left corner or screen.

one of your other posts i also read that you need some space to host your w32grub files. i have a reseller a/c and i can provide you with 5/10mbs of free space. let me know if you need it for putting w32grub info.

if you make a white paper with the info of booting the knoppix iso or the knoppix cloop from xp boot loader please put a url here.

11-07-2003, 09:02 PM

i was reading at some of your post as you said and wanted to tell you that i also tried using w32grub on xp pro with ntfs and as soon as i select the grub boot loader from the ntbootloader the grub hangs with GRUB word on the top left corner or screen.

one of your other posts i also read that you need some space to host your w32grub files. i have a reseller a/c and i can provide you with 5/10mbs of free space. let me know if you need it for putting w32grub info.

if you make a white paper with the info of booting the knoppix iso or the knoppix cloop from xp boot loader please put a url here.

I don't know if this is a GRUB problem or something else as I recently tried the same method on a very odd notebook which plays tricks to the boot up BIOS/MBR and instead of hanging, the GRUB would load but immediately goes back to the boot up sequence and back to the XP loader. Unfortunately, I am not that capable in debug GRUB(just did the w32 porting of install GRUB, not GRUB itself) so I there is not much I can do if it doesn't work.

So far, I found that if I tried w32GRUB/GRUB on some plain HD(not being tricks for disk image restoration programs from firms like PowerQuest etc.), it works perfectly. On odd machines like the one I mentioned, it experience problems. Unfortunately, I don't want to take the risk of wiping out the MBR of these machines so there is no way I can test what is the probable cause of the problem and the GRUB developers aren't very helpful.

Just out of curiosity, what kind of machine you have tried GRUB on ?
As for hosting, since it isn't working on all situation, it may not be a good idea and for those brave enough to try, I have submitted the patch(as well as a copy of the binaries) to the GRUB guys and it can be downloaded from their bug tracking system.