View Full Version : How to restart

11-07-2003, 12:07 PM
I've verified that the log out box has not "reboot" option.
I do it manually (with "shutdown -r now" at the console) but I think something more friendly should be and I don't know where.

Any idea?



11-09-2003, 08:24 PM
I think the rationale for the shutdown sequence is to make right sure that the Knoppix CD comes out of the computer. Have you ever rebooted with a bootable CD in the drive and wondered "What the hell is going on?" when your OS didn't load? Keeps beginners from panicking -- "Oh, no, this Linux thing has taken over my computer!" I'm imagining forgetting the CD in a university lab computer -- that's where I use it -- and seeing the "No Knoppix CDs" signs go up a day later.

As you note, there's a workaround. But let me ask what may sound like a silly question: Why would you ever want to shutdown/restart the CD? What would that achieve that, well, not shutting down at all wouldn't achieve?

11-10-2003, 12:29 PM
1st of all, thx for you answer.

I met this problem while manageing haow to change the screen resolution.
As you knoq linux save new configuration but ask you for rebooting.

In any case your note about reboot with a bootabel cd is correct. But as you can see form the shutdown process in Knoppix he ask you to remove the cd, if you don't you want to reboot.