View Full Version : how to connect two Knoppix machines

11-07-2003, 01:06 PM

I have two machines running Knoppix (from the CD - not HD): a laptop and a desktop. They are connected by a crossed rj45 cable and t/100 network cards. I would like to copy my entire /home directory from the laptop to the desktop. What is the easiest way to do this?

Telnet, ftp and SSH are probably not the most convenient tools, so maybe NFS?

I don't care how I do it as long as it is a KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) way :-)

Could somebody please point me in the right direction (where to find step by step instructions on how to do this - I never did this before)?



11-10-2003, 12:39 PM
--I'd just use netcat. No additional services need to be started that way, and it's fast.

Desktop, as root: ' cd /home; nc -l -p 32100 |tar xvpf - ' == Start listening on port 32100

Laptop: ' cd /home; tar cpvf - Your-dir |nc -w 3 Remote-ip 32100 '

--You are aware of course that this will overwrite every file in the destination /home that has the same name. You should also double-check the ownership after the copy is done. ' id ' numbers on both machines should be the same, otherwise you have to ' chown -cvR Your-id.Your-id /home/Your-id ' on the desktop.


I have two machines running Knoppix (from the CD - not HD): a laptop and a desktop. They are connected by a crossed rj45 cable and t/100 network cards. I would like to copy my entire /home directory from the laptop to the desktop. What is the easiest way to do this?

Telnet, ftp and SSH are probably not the most convenient tools, so maybe NFS?

I don't care how I do it as long as it is a KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) way :-)

Could somebody please point me in the right direction (where to find step by step instructions on how to do this - I never did this before)?

