View Full Version : help with BASICS

11-09-2003, 02:27 AM
JUST got into gnoppix now have tried to download amsn for a start then lost it on reboot......so first question is..

1. how do i keep the same version running without installing everytime ie booting from the hard drive possibly?

2.i couldnt get msn to start after downloading it where are the execute files in all of this

3. can i use any of my windows programs with this os

4. If it does prove so difficult to use this ie less compatible sofware etc, why is it an advantage over windows

any help u could give would apreciate it maybe you where at square one once, please help :)

11-09-2003, 02:52 AM
got amsn working by finding wish and saying open with

now i just need to know how to keep this same knoppix running without having to reboot (re-install) from disc?

would appreciate advice on this.