View Full Version : persistant home drive on cd-r ?

11-10-2003, 01:11 PM
Is there a way to put your persistant home on the cd-r as well ?
I think normally this couldn't work since the file has to be opened in read-write. But maybe by first writing it to the ramdisk and opening it from there it could work ?
Has anyone done this before ? (or any advice on how pulling this one off).
I prefer asking it before burning several piles of cd's for nothing.
Thanks already in advance,


11-10-2003, 03:38 PM
I beleive this is brought to you courtesy of paradocs

11-10-2003, 04:06 PM
The link you provided is for people who wish to use a persistant home drive on a seperate CDRW .

My goal is to start from a standard knoppix release ,copy the persitant home file from the same cd to the ram-drive and start all the stuff that ought to be started from this home drive (which can then be mounted in rw).
I hope beiing able to do this simply by adapting the cfg bootfiles from the bootpartition on the cd. (add a copy command right after ramdisk creation,and add a knoppix kernel option which points homedrive to the ramdrive)

This implies that using this principle you can easely create adapted cd's containing your specific drivers,libraries,programs,shortcuts etc ... .
And simply by rebooting the pc with cd,can restore it to it's original start condition .

Nevertheless tnx for the effort,

I did take a look at Morphix but it seemed to complicated for me.(and I don't think either that a customised home drive is possible).


11-10-2003, 04:21 PM
sounds like you could save the home directory with KNOPPIX->Configure->Save a persistant KNOPPIX Home directory and then re-master a CD with those files on the CD. IIRC, Knoppix will look for /knoppix.sh on the root of the CDROM. If it's not automatically found then it might get found with"knoppix myhome=scan" at boot time.

11-14-2003, 12:25 PM
This will result in an error since the home drive will be mount as read-write directly from the cd-rom (which is read-only).
But thanks anyway :wink: