View Full Version : LinNeighborhood (11-3-03) -- Can't resolve address

11-11-2003, 02:08 AM
Has anyone else noticed a change in how LinNeighborhood works in the 11-3-03 release?

I'm running from the CD. I add a host as usual by specifying the host and workgroup names, then querying for an address. No problems at that point, but when I attempt to mount a share I get the error above.

I'm pretty sure my copy of 11-3-03 is okay (passed MD5 and the "testcd" cheat code). Previous 3.3 releases work fine -- any ideas?

11-11-2003, 03:28 AM
I'm not using Knoppix but I get the same error from Linneighborhood 0.6.5-1. I can however mount the share by hand and then Linneighborhood works just fine. Try turning on the log and then try to mount the share. When it fails use the same command and try to mount it by hand. If it works then it seems like a Linneighborhood bug to me.

11-11-2003, 01:50 PM
This is a bug already reported for linneighborhood. See http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=212280

There is also a patch, but you need to recompile the package: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi/linneighborhood-0.6.5-bug-212280.patch?bug=212280&msg=9&att=1

11-11-2003, 07:58 PM
If you don't need the mount point, but just want to get to the files, you can try the following within konqueror:


and it will prompt you for the user name and password, allowing you to access the files, cut, paste, etc.

I sort of gave up on LinNeighborhood for the time being. Good to know there is a known bug though, though it was just me ;)

11-22-2003, 05:25 PM
I found a simple workaround. In LinNeighborhood, choose "Edit, Preferences" and click the "Programs" tab. Change "smbmount version" to 2.0.5.

Now when you mount a share you get a different error, but it works.

12-05-2003, 03:38 AM
In LinNeighborhood, choose "Edit, Preferences" and click the "Programs" tab. Change "smbmount version" to 2.0.5.

I did the above and I was promt to enter my username and password. I know I entered the right username and password, but it continue to prompt me for ther username and password over and over. Does anyone have the same problem? It work for Knoppix 3.2, but not for Knoppix 3.3. Thanks in advance.

01-13-2004, 07:41 AM
pau1knopp I want to thank you for your tip putting it in konquer work prefect..
i have been using Mandrake for a couple of years now and my mother board crashed.. and i am using my step sons lap top and didn't want to mess up his laptop.. and found this software.. and
this is a god send.. i just am so use to linux and KDE that it is hard to use windows.

I like this knoppix a lot..
and the tips wtih konquer..
I have learned so much in the last couple of days..
thank you very much

01-13-2004, 05:37 PM
I had the same problem and commented on it in the Ideas forum. I changed from linneighborhood to Komba2 and it worked perfect so I thought maybe Knoppix should change to Komba being included instead of LN. If you want to try that program I can tell you Komba2 installed perfect for me using synaptic.