View Full Version : lazy knooper

11-12-2003, 01:47 PM
hallo Knoppers! i have tried this good cd-based distro and still being astonished cos of how easily it did configure my devices.
but, i wanna know where it keeps the files for the configuration of devices.
i couldnt find the files for Xfree86 or alsa in the /etc.
this is mainly wot matters for me. becasue if i had to configure a lot of machines with linux, it should be interesting doing cut&paste of this files into them.

11-12-2003, 07:35 PM
The XF86Config file is:

(I don't know about alsa)

I boot the cd on the machine, and set the hd to read/write mode and copy the knoppix created XF86Config-4 file to the /etc/X11 directory and X is setup as it was running, if needed just boot with proper cheat-codes for your video and monitor and once running save the knoppix file, a very nice X utility.



11-12-2003, 07:58 PM
well i will see.
anybody knows about alsa? there is a file in init.d called alsa-autoconf but i wanna the file to configure my sound card... it is a cmi8330 onboard and worked with isapnp.conf in some other distros. but knoppix detected it, and i cannot find the file for that configuration. anybody knows where it is located?