View Full Version : File Sharing

11-13-2003, 02:04 AM
Hi guys, I'm currently using Limewire on linux and kazaalite on windows.

Limeware is far too slow, kazaa lite is perfect.

It seems kazaa for linux was once available, but seems to have disappeared without trace. Could anyone recommend a fast linux file sharing proggy that can make the most of my broadband and force me to buy a DVD RW?


:) Keep Smiling :)

11-13-2003, 03:35 AM
Hi guys, I'm currently using Limewire on linux and kazaalite on windows.

Limeware is far too slow, kazaa lite is perfect.

It seems kazaa for linux was once available, but seems to have disappeared without trace. Could anyone recommend a fast linux file sharing proggy that can make the most of my broadband and force me to buy a DVD RW?


:) Keep Smiling :)

Try nicotine it seems to work well.

11-17-2003, 02:38 AM
Configure wine to run kazaa lite.

Search the net and thou shall find.

11-18-2003, 12:24 AM
OK, now you have my attention...

I am new to linux as a whole let alone it's many glorious components. How can I configure Wine to run kazaa lite?

Also while we're on the subject, do you know how to get it to run Cakewalk ProAudio 9, Cubase VST 5, and Fruityloops?

Thanks a bill

:) Keep Smiling :)