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View Full Version : Dead shortcuts in KDE menu

11-13-2003, 01:52 PM
I removed by Synaptic and 'apt-get remove' 500 mb of useless for me packages
But lots of dead links still in KDE menu (Koffice, Abyword,etc)
I was trying to clean up them by 'update-menus", (worked little bit) but some of removed packages from hd still have a links in KDE menu
How can I remove dead links? :? :? :? :?: :?:

How can I find which package belong the xlogo and xeyes?
I been trying apt-get xlogo xeyes...but not sucess
If someone have a idea please replay to my post

11-13-2003, 03:21 PM
have you restarted KDE (log out/log in)? sometimes it takes some time for KDE to update the menu, and a restart might help...

and you can manually remove the items...

11-13-2003, 05:09 PM
all those other useless "tools" like xeyes, xlogo are in a package "xbase-clients". I tried to get rid of it but it seems like the dependencies would kill my remaster. I could be wrong cause I'm a newbie, try it out. If it works let me know. I'd like to get rid of them also

11-14-2003, 12:51 AM
You may have already done this, but if you right-click on the K-button it has an option to edit the menu. You can remove items and add items within a graphical interface.