View Full Version : How rescue Windows Partitions with K3B?

11-13-2003, 02:43 PM
First, I´m an absolute Knoppix beginner, so my questions are probably very stupid (sorry, even the faq´s gave me no answer).
My problem is, that I have no acces in K3B to my windows files to make a backup on cd. Even if the hda1 is mountet by cklickig on the hda1 icon on the desktop, I have no access unter K3B. If I try to paste and copy the hda1, I only get the "Einrichtungsdatei", not the files.
Under Desktop-Konqueror acces is possible witout problems.
Probably a mounting problem ??
My fstab looks like this: "/dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 ntfs noauto,user,exec,ro,unmask=000,uid=knoppix,gid=kno ppix 00"
I need an "idiot`s guide" for mounting an windows hd unter Knoppix or a step-by-step help for my problem.
Thanks a lot.

11-13-2003, 03:40 PM

Start Konsole and mount the windows partition in it:
Alt+F2 -> konsole

mount /mnt/hda1

That should show all of the files in /dev/hda1 in directory /mnt/hda1. If not, there is some problems accessing the device.

You can also check, if the partition is mounted by looking at /etc/mtab:

cat /etc/mtab

That should show your windows partition in the list now.

Then, start k3b, add your files and burn it.

If you have access to a Linux or Windows vfat partition, you could make an ISO image of the files before burning. That is recommended.


11-13-2003, 04:08 PM
It's posieble the line"/dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 ntfs noauto,user,exec,ro,unmask=000,uid=knoppix,gid=kno ppix 00" isn't in fstab. Than I think beter is /dev/hda1 /dev/hda1 how root in xterm or console alt+F2.

11-14-2003, 04:49 PM
a part of the problem is solved!
I have to access the windows files in K3B via root/mnt/ hda1, not viadesktop/ hda1. Mounting was not the problem, mounting the hda1 on the desktop ( doubleclick or rightclick/ menu/ mount device ) works fine.
A last problem remains (but the biggest) :
How can I burn my windows files to disk with only one CDRW Drive ( with Knoppix CD in ?????)

11-14-2003, 05:34 PM
A last problem remains (but the biggest) :
How can I burn my windows files to disk with only one CDRW Drive ( with Knoppix CD in ?????)

You have several choices. If you have a hefty amount of ram (say 1 gig or more), then you can actually load knoppix into ram and then eject the disk. You do it with the following cheat code.

knoppix toram

If you don't have that much ram, then you can copy it to your hd and run it from there with the following cheat code

If you are using NTFS, this second option won't work and should not be tried.