View Full Version : Many problems :(

11-14-2003, 08:16 PM
Hello everyonje :)

Here is some info on whats been going on

I got an IPAQ desktop and decided to put linux on it
Had many, many, many issues with media when tring to install either fedora or redhat 9.
But knoppix ran fine :)

So I was advised to try boot my XP machine with the knoppix cd and starting the terminal server to see if moving/installing it would work as the IPAQ can boot from the network.

LOL that didn't work either, which was ok since I figured I would just do a hdinstall of knoppix

After shutting down knoppix on my XP box and restarting it I now have no network connections at all :(

No link light on machine or on the router :(
have tried reinstalling drives and restarting as well as trying different cables and ports that I know are good as they work fine with other machines and test good.

Anyone have any idea why my network died?

Thanks :)