View Full Version : help, can't run programs i download. please advice

11-15-2003, 05:36 AM
Need help, nothing i download off the net is running, ive read all the help docs, and cant seem to find out whats wrong, i know NOTHING about linux except that knoppix looks cool :P am i missing some basic step here. I just want to know how to run programs i download.

11-15-2003, 05:56 AM
oh and to clearify, i wanted to know how id go about installing and running this program


the website says its for linux, but no help file or procedures. id ark it all to a folder, click on the executable., and nothing, can someone tell me what im doing wrong?

cybernout on irc
11-15-2003, 08:44 AM
You can not install programs on an knoppix running from cdrom,
its an read only file system. If you made an persistant home on you harddisk you can get some source , like for example amsn running.
The one you point out is an rpm (red hat package manager) for red hat /suse/ or mandrake the like. For knoppix you should use deb, or debian packages.

good luck.

cybernout on irc
11-15-2003, 08:46 AM
Oh i see its an tar file! :)