View Full Version : Knoppix on top of woody

11-16-2003, 12:51 PM
Hi! i have woody box and i want to install knoppix in order for me to try out more up to date apps. Is this possible?


11-17-2003, 04:37 AM
Two possible ways:
1) Just install Knoppix. This will overwrite your woody system. maybe you don't want to do this.
2) Partition your HD & leave the woody system on one partition & install Knoppix on the other. You will then have a dual boot Woody or Knoppix system. You must have at least 2.4 Gig to install Knoppix & must install LILO in the master boot record to allow you to choose which system to run.

11-17-2003, 11:04 AM
i still want to keep woody ...how do i use the same home partition for both distro?

11-17-2003, 06:39 PM
if your home is on a separate partition, install knoppix and after the install edit your /etc/fstab to use the /home partition and I mv /home /hom so the knoppix created home directory is still there if needed, then reboot and knoppix will use your home partition, you may have to edit users and groups to have the same name/number for both installs.

