View Full Version : Changing file permissions

11-16-2003, 05:35 PM
Ok, I'm fairly new to Linux, so please be patient.

I've been trying to get my wireless network card (SMC 2532W-B) working with KNOPPIX without much luck. It seems that I need to add it to the /etc/pcmcia/config file. I've got the info I need from 'cardctl ident':

Socket 0:
product info: "SMC", "SMC2532W-B EliteConnect Wireless Adapter","",""
manfid: 0xd601, 0x0005
Function: 6 (network)

Except that I can't edit the config file. I've tried to change permissions as root from the shell, but I keep getting ": Read-only file system".

Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong? I'm going quite blind from reading all the help files.