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View Full Version : Adding Users to Remastered CD

12-02-2002, 05:35 PM
I'm new to debian based linux, and I've been trying to add new users to the Knoppix CD before remastering the CD. But I cannot get the proper functionality for the users.

For example, I'm creating a new user "knewuser" which I would like to be similar to the "knoppix" user, but with a password required on login. I want this user to be able to use "su" or "sudo" to do some admin work. I have created the user in the miniroot, and in KNOPPIX . I can log in as this user, but I cannot seem to get su or sudo to work for this user.

I have edited groups (adding this user to the sudo group), and sudoers. It is a permissions problem, but I'm not sure where else to look. Can anyone shed light here?


12-03-2002, 08:13 AM
I've solved some of my problem. I got sudo to work, which gives me the functionality I need, but I still am having problems getting su to work.

PAM still gives me:

authentication failure; knewuser (uid=1001) -> root for su service

A. Jorge Garcia
12-03-2002, 03:09 PM
I've solved some of my problem. I got sudo to work, which gives me the functionality I need, but I still am having problems getting su to work.

PAM still gives me:

authentication failure; knewuser (uid=1001) -> root for su service

What did you do to get sudo to work?


01-03-2003, 07:14 AM
I've solved some of my problem. I got sudo to work, which gives me the functionality I need, but I still am having problems getting su to work.

PAM still gives me:

authentication failure; knewuser (uid=1001) -> root for su service

What did you do to get sudo to work?



Check the sudoers file and make sure that the user can su.