View Full Version : linux.bin - v.3.3

11-17-2003, 11:12 PM
I installed v3.3 from a purchased CD to a dual boot with winXP.

When I use the CD to access Knoppix, on the Knoppix desktop, the boot partition is labeled hda3, the linux system partition is hda7.

During the installation to my HD the creation of a boot floppy failed.

In a subsequent attempt to get linux.bin from the CD to a formatted floppy I tried this command string:
dd if=/dev/hda3 of=mnt/floppy/linux.bin bs=512 count=1

The attempt failed. A find file search shows that /dev/hda3 is listed as "inaccessible". As a result I have no linux.bin that I can install in "C" and therefore any attempt to alter the boot.ini with the line C:\linux.bin="linux" fails.

Can someone suggest a way to get access to the linux partition on my HD? I know very little about linux and linux commands so it would help if a very simple step-by-step process is posted. TIA

11-18-2003, 02:24 AM
boot your cd with: #Note: command line commands are bold and edits are italic
knoppix 2 #which will get you running as root in text mode
then mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/hda3
and then mount /dev/hda7 /mnt/hda7
then just in case the partitions are mounted read-only
mount -o remount,rw /dev/hda3
and mount -o remount,rw /dev/hda7
then cd /mnt/hda7
then chroot /mnt/hda7
now using an editor (ie,: nano or another editor) look at and if necessary edit your /etc/lilo.conf file and make sure your:
boot entry is: boot=/dev/hda3
and root is: root=/dev/hda7
then (assuming the rest of lilo.conf is OK) re-run lilo:
/sbin/lilo -v
and note any errors, if you don't have any errors then use dd to copy the bootrecord to floppy (necessary if you are using ntfs on your xp install):
dd if=/dev/hda3 of=/dev/fd0/linux.bin count=1 bs=512
then follow (garyng's) directions to put linux.bin where it's needed on your xp system and edit your boot.ini (or whaterver it's called ... to chain boot the knoppix bootrecord)

Sorry I can't help you any more regarding xp, I've really never used it.



11-18-2003, 11:32 PM
Thanks for your help.
I believe I got everything correct up through the "chroot /mnt/hda7" line.
When I pressed enter, after that entry, I got a line that read,
I don't know what that means but I exited the root window at that point.

[BTW, what is a command that would get me to the default CD desktop at that point.]

Your next suggestion was to then go to a file editor to view /etc/lilo.conf
I keep getting an access denied message, and/or permission denied, with a find file search in the default GUI and with a root command line search.

Clicking on the file +lost&found I get refused access.

I copied hda3 from the desktop to a floppy. Reading the contents while in Windows this is what I see,

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Hard Disk Partition [hda3]
Name[es]=Partición del disco duro [hda3]

[Desktop Action Remount]
Exec=remountrw /dev/hda3;true
Name=Change read/write mode
Name[de]=Lese-/Schreibmodus ändern
Name[es]=Cambiar modo lectura/escritura

That is the same list that i got yesterday before going through the commands you recommended.

Yes, I am using NTFS.
I setup so that lilo is supposed to be on a separate 50MB linux partition, before Windows XP, knoppix is supposed to be on a 3GB partition after 3 separate Windows NTFS partitions, the linux swap-file is supposed to be on a .27GB partition at the end of the list.

Further assitance would be helpful, TIA

Rockmumbles wrote:
boot your cd with: #Note: command line commands are bold and edits are italic
knoppix 2 #which will get you running as root in text mode
then mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/hda3
and then mount /dev/hda7 /mnt/hda7
then just in case the partitions are mounted read-only mount -o remount,rw /dev/hda3
and mount -o remount,rw /dev/hda7
then cd /mnt/hda7
then chroot /mnt/hda7
now using an editor (ie,: nano or another editor) look at and if necessary edit your /etc/lilo.conf file and make sure your:
boot entry is: boot=/dev/hda3
and root is: root=/dev/hda7
then (assuming the rest of lilo.conf is OK) re-run lilo:
/sbin/lilo -v
and note any errors, if you don't have any errors then use dd to copy the bootrecord to floppy (necessary if you are using ntfs on your xp install):
dd if=/dev/hda3 of=/dev/fd0/linux.bin count=1 bs=512
then follow (garyng's) directions to put linux.bin where it's needed on your xp system and edit your boot.ini (or whaterver it's called ... to chain boot the knoppix bootrecord)