View Full Version : ssh woes!!!

A. Jorge Garcia
11-17-2003, 11:51 PM
OK, here's the situation. I have knoppix-intstalled a whole LAN for my Computer Science students to use. They had great success using a ssh server I set up to save their work. First thing they do, after booting their PCs, is go to a shell and type something like ssh -X mrg@ which turns the local shell to a secure shell logged-in to the remote ssh server. They write thier code with KATE or KWRITE and use other apps remotely with X forwarding.

The problem is that they are now learning to write java applets and find that they cannot run applets with KONQUEROR thru the ssh shell. They have to use fish to download the file locally and run it from there! Is there some way to avoid this?


11-18-2003, 05:02 AM
Hello A. Jorge Garcia,

Your work and dedication is amazing.
Let us know when you get the Mayor Bloomberg award. :-)

The approach I take it to have a script to load the users files,
work from ramdisk, and then require that the user save it.

Your machines likely have enough ram. The biggest problem
would be the loss of work by a careless student forgetting
to save the work.

I have used a script to replace /ramdisk/home/knoppix home
with a tar file from a CDRW at boot. It would be fast and easy
to untar this file from a server and do an update at the end
of the session. But again, your method prevents the student
from loosing his work as easily.

Keeping the work on inexpensive mini CDRW disks allows
the student to keep his work, allow the fortunate few with
a home computer to work at home, and allow multiple backups
and projects.


Best Wishes,

11-18-2003, 06:58 AM
--Have you tried putting the applets on a Web server like Apache? (I'm not the go-to guy to ask for details on this, just an idea.)

OK, here's the situation. I have knoppix-intstalled a whole LAN for my Computer Science students to use. They had great success using a ssh server I set up to save their work. First thing they do, after booting their PCs, is go to a shell and type something like ssh -X mrg@ which turns the local shell to a secure shell logged-in to the remote ssh server. They write thier code with KATE or KWRITE and use other apps remotely with X forwarding.

The problem is that they are now learning to write java applets and find that they cannot run applets with KONQUEROR thru the ssh shell. They have to use fish to download the file locally and run it from there! Is there some way to avoid this?


A. Jorge Garcia
11-18-2003, 12:03 PM
paradox: Yes, I saw your howto on using CDRW and found it very interesting. However, I'm now committed to the hdinstall route....

dave: As always, you're right on the mark. That's a great idea! I'm going to have to set up an apache server! I was trying to get an ftp server going, but no joy. I mean my students can get to my applets that way. I upload my compiled versions so they see what their finished product should look like using konqueror:




What I'd like to know is why can't I run applets through ssh with konqueror or with fish? I can run much more complicated apps with ssh (like konqueror, kate, bzflag,...). The ideal would be to open a fish window in konqueror and then just click on the index.html file for a given applet.


A. Jorge Garcia
11-22-2003, 01:02 AM
Just wondering why I can't run an applet thru fish, anyone know?