View Full Version : Using bittorrent

11-18-2003, 08:34 PM
i have downloaded the bittorrent....i have run the debian package (dpkg -i ).....ok

and now what ????

how do I start bittorrent ???

thanks for your help.


11-22-2003, 06:03 PM
Here's how I do it:

In your web browser, click the link to the .torrent file. Choose to save the file rather than open it. Be sure to save to a location that is mounted read/write and has enough space for the entire download.

You will soon have the first small stub of the download. Use Konqueror to browse to the folder containing the file. Right-click and choose "Open Terminal Here."

Now enter the command:

btdownloadcurses <file name>

and the bittorrent download will begin.

Here's an easy way to enter the command that takes advantage of the features of the command shell:

btd <TAB> c <TAB><TAB><TAB>

This puts "btdownloadcurses" on the command line and then lists all the files in the folder. You can type the first few unique letters of the.torrent file's name and then complete the entry with <TAB>.

I hope you enjoy bittorrent as much as I do. This is my favorite addition to Knoppix in quite some time.