View Full Version : Possibility to Add App???

11-20-2003, 02:58 AM

Hopefully I am asking for this in the right place, if not, sry.

Anyway, what are the chances we can add another Application onto the Knoppix Release? Preferably the CD Version, and not DVD??? There is this nifty program called gEDA (http://geda.seul.org/) with is an EDA program. For those of you not in Electrical Engineering, it is an application that allows Engineers to Create Schematics of Circuits and allows us to test them to a certain degree. I would be greatly appreciated if this possible. And yes, there are .deb packages available from them. Reason why I don't go do this myself, easy, I just don't have the space on my computer to remaster the cd.

Another thing, what are the chances the Nvidia NForce drivers ever make it into Knoppix before the Kernel finally introduces support to it?

THanks for input


11-20-2003, 04:05 AM
That is a very good idea. I Hope Mr. Knopper to include it at next release.

Best Regards
Mike Kranidis

11-20-2003, 12:14 PM
I think Klaus is busy removing stuff, not adding right now, because the
CD is already crammed with SW.One thing you could try is using morphix (www.morphix.org)
instead, and it allegedly has the capability of installing/merging deb packages
on the fly. So: choose one of the morphis "base" ISO's, burn it without closing
the CD, then add your DEB's to a /deb subdirectory and they should be made
available when next booting off the CD. Worth trying, I'd say.

11-20-2003, 12:41 PM
the chances the Nvidia drivers make it into knoppix are very very low. Klaus doesnt like the fact they aren't free (GPL).

11-20-2003, 01:44 PM
I forgot to mention it, but morphix does come with the nvidia drivers.

11-22-2003, 03:31 AM
i tried that out baldyeti, and that idea worked really nice!!! Better then I had expected. Still be nice if it was Knoppix, but atleast now I have this program on a Live CD when I need to pull it up.
