View Full Version : Help with Alpha Blending

11-20-2003, 04:13 AM
If you don't know what i'm talking about just open up your termnal (some of you obovlsy won't have it). I wan't to find out how to do that with other windows, where it is translucent and goes directly to the wallpaper. Thanks.

BTW :oops: is evil

11-20-2003, 12:39 PM
pffffff.... you want to disable the normal background on windows, to see the background through them??? I hope you have some C++ and QT/KDE programming skills, so you can write such a thing yourself, cuz at least I never heard it was possible now.

But what isn't can easily be created If you want to devote some time ;-)
Although I think its not that usefull, it whould be very distracting
Or dont I understand you?

Anyway, the current alphablending is a quick hack, cuz the xfree86 doesnt really support it. Maybe the Xserver made at www.freedesktop.org can help...