View Full Version : installing an rpm package?

11-20-2003, 06:34 AM
i am having uncompressing an rpm package and installing it. everytime i try to do it knoppix asks for a password to log into root is there a default password? im sorry if this sounds like a stupid question but i am really new at this. thanks for your time

11-20-2003, 07:32 AM
If you're running live off of the cd you can't install new packages as far as I understand. If you've run "knoppix-installer" you should have set what your root password is during the install. You can get to root running live from the cd just by typing su, because there is no root password. But like I say, I don't think you can install anything.

11-20-2003, 12:35 PM
installing software when running from CD isn't possible. And, because knoppix is based on Debian, you shouldn't be installing RPM's either (RPM = RED HAT Package Manager). You should be installing Deb's. And .deb - files can sometimes be downloaded from a website, but mostly not - they are located on central servers, the repository's.

You should read a bit about APT, the advanced packet manager which was created, and is used by Debian. Typing
man apt at the commandline will give you some info. Of course there are a thousand faq's online about APT.[/quote]

11-20-2003, 01:54 PM
If u have a hd-install:
alien packet.rpm
dpkg --install packet.deb

11-20-2003, 02:06 PM
If u want to install a .tar.gz or bz2:
open the konsole
and type: ls
next: tar zxvf packet.tar.gz or
tar zxjf packet.tar.bz2
and a new window will open (Ark)
select all and unzip it