View Full Version : KDM Slow to login/logout

11-20-2003, 09:48 PM
I have just installed the 11-14-03 Rev 3.3 release to my hard drive, and everything works fine except for the login logout process. When X comes up, I get the cursor on the screen and then there is a 1 to 2 minute wait before the login window and background appear. During this time the hard disk light is on. I switched to a console and TOP shows that kdm_greeter is using about 25 to 30 % memory while this is going on, and its at the top of the processes list. This same delay occurs when logging off.

I would like to keep Knoppix on my PC, everything else works great.

Any suggestions or help, mucho appreciated :D

12-20-2003, 05:59 AM
I'm having the same problem with 11-19 release. I read something about dma not enabled can make it slow but /sbin/hdparm shows dma as enabled. so I don't know about that. did you ever get your problem fixed?